CS-TR-20-25![]() |
Hisao Kameda "Inferiority Based Measuring Technical Inefficiency of Production" |
CS-TR-16-24![]() |
Hisao Kameda "Magnitudes of Pareto Inefficiency of Atomic and Non-Atomic Nash Equilibria" |
CS-TR-14-23![]() |
Akira Imakura, Lei Du,Tetsuya Sakurai "Accuracy analysis on the Rayleigh-Ritz type of the contour integral based eigensolver for solving generalized eigenvalue problems" |
CS-TR-13-22![]() |
CS-TR-13-21![]() |
Akira Imakura, Lei Du, Tetsuya Sakurai, "Novel interpretation of contour integral spectral projection methods for solving generalized eigenvalue problems" |
CS-TR-13-20![]() |
Takahito Kuno and Tomohiro Ishihama, "A Convergent Conical Algorithm with w-Bisection for Concave Minimization" |
2025/2/5 13:45~14:45 |
2025/1/9 11:00~12:00 |
2024/11/26 11:00~12:00 |
Wenzel Jakob(スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校) "Simulating Light: Research and Open Source" |
2024/11/1 13:00〜17:00 2024/11/2 10:00〜13:00 |
平林敏行(量子科学技術研究開発機構) "マカク前頭側頭ネットワークにおけるトップダウン記憶制御のマルチスケール化学遺伝学解析" 織間大気(情報通信研究機構(NICT)) "統計的画像特徴に基づく材質知覚の研究" 平野有沙(筑波大学) "アリピプラゾールによる概日リズムの光同調促進効果" 佐藤慎哉(University of California, Irvine) "視細胞光応答における概日リズム調節" 千歳雄大(University of California, San Fransisco) "The eyes are windows into the dreaming brain" |
2024/8/23 16:00~17:00 |
Takano Taira (The University of Tokyo) "Non-Hermitian Physics in Open and Closed Quantum Systems" |
2024/5/27 16:00~17:00 |
早川 龍(京都大学白眉センター) "ガイド付きローカルハミルトニアンの計算複雑性" |
2023/11/28 11:00~12:00 |
Dr. Jin Hong (The University of Western Australia) "Quantum Inspired Machine Learning for IDS" |
2023/11/13 11:00~12:00 |
Taira Giordani (Sapienza University of Rome) "Certification of coherence, dimension and contextuality in integrated optical quantum circuits" |
2023/11/13 10:00~11:00 |
Mostafa Sabri (New York University, Abu Dhabi campus) "Flat bands of periodic graphs" |
2023/11/9 16:00~17:00 |
Vikash Mittal (Tsing Hua University) "Deterministic generation of hybrid entangled states using quantum walks" |
2022/12/8 13:00~14:00 |
Ariel Shamir (Reichman University) "Non-Photorealistic Vision and Graphics" |
2022/9/27 13:00~14:00 |
Ermeson Andrade (Federal Rural University of Pernambuco) "Performability Analysis of Computer Systems" |
2019/11/1 10:10~11:30 |
Darrel Whitley (Colorado State University) "Neural Darwinism: Optimal NeuronSelection as Pseudo-Boolean Optimization" |
2019/10/17 10:00~11:30 |
Dambrine Julien (Poitiers University) "Interpolation and extrapolation for frontpropagation" |
2019/10/17 10:00~11:30 |
Qi Zhang (Heriot-Watt University) "Seismic History Matching & Prediction" |
2019/10/9 12:00~13:00 |
Dr. Udo Ernst (University of Bremen) "Flexible information processing in the visual system: How attention configures computation in neural circuits." |
2019/8/6 16:00~18:00 |
Ernst Niebur "Perceptual Organization and Attention to Objects" |
2019/7/8 14:00~15:00 |
David Ha (Google Brain) "Neuroevolution for Deep Reinforcement Learning Problems" |
2018/7/24 13:45~15:45 |
Dr. Susanne Kunkel (Faculty of Science and Technology, Norwegian University of Life
Sciences) "Simulations of Spiking Neuronal Networks using NEST" |
2018/4/11 13:45~15:45 |
Dr. J. Michael Herrmann(Institute for Perception, Action and Behaviour,School of
Informatics, University of Edinburgh and Edinburgh Centre for Robotics, Edinburgh, Scotland,
United Kingdom) "Critical Brains for Autonomous Robots" |
2017/4/28 10:00~12:00 |
藤原靖宏 "多次元データのための次元削減の高速化" |
2016/9/29 16:30~18:30 |
Dr. Sidney Lehky (Researcher at Salk Institute) "Coding of Faces by Tensor Components" |
2016/6/24 16:00~18:00 |
我妻 伸彦(東京電機大学(助教)) "NMDA仲介のフィードバックに起因する視覚皮質の図領域表現変調-発火頻度と同期変調の神経回路構造-" |
2016/5/18 15:00~16:00 |
Calton Pu (Georgia Institute of Technology (Professor and J.P. Imlay, Jr. Chair in
Software)) "Big Data Research Opportunities in Disaster Management: The LITMUS Landslide Information Service as an Illustrative Example" |
2015/6/30 16:00~17:30 |
安東 遼一 (日本学術振興会海外特別研究員(オーストリア科学技術研究所)) "コンピューターグラフィックスのための流体シミュレーション" "長期海外研究生活を送って見える日本での国際競争の勝ち抜き方" |
2015/2/10 14:00~16:00 |
John L. Hall (Senior Vice President and General Manager, Oracle University) "From the Classroom to the Boardroom" |
2014/4/17 15:00~16:00 |
Changcheng Huang (Professor, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering at Carleton
University, Ottawa, Canada) "Vulnerability Evaluation for Securely Offloading Mobile Apps to Cloud" |
2014/3/4 15:00~16:15 |
Wen-Tsuen Chen (Distinguished Research Fellow, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan) "Intelligent Sensing for Better Life and Better Environment" |
2014/2/12 15:15~16:00 |
Dr. Wan-Chun Alex Ma (Researcher at Weta Digital) "Automation: The Final Frontier for Visual Effects" |
2014/1/23 16:00~ |
Dr. Sidney Lehky (Salk Institute, Computational Neuroscience Laboratory) "Dimensionality of object representations in monkey inferotemporal cortex" |
2014/1/20 16:00~ |
谷口 康祐 (北海道大学 大学院文学研究科心理システム科学講座) "心理学的研究手法によるオブジェクト認知構造の検討 ―形態情報に関する検出とカテゴリー化の処理過程―" |
平成13年度| 平成14年度| 平成15年度| 平成16年度| 平成17年度| 平成18年度| 平成19年度| 平成20年度| 平成21年度| 平成22年度| 平成23年度| 平成24年度| 平成25年度| 平成26年度| 平成27年度| 平成28年度| 平成29年度| 平成30年度| 令和元年度| 令和2年度| 令和3年度